
Managing the Return of Company Property

Options for Remote Employees After Termination

With the increasing trend of remote work, more companies are hiring employees who work from home. While remote work has its benefits, it also presents a unique challenge when an employee is terminated or leaves the company. Specifically, how does the company get back any property it provides to the remote employee?

What is Company Property?

Company property can take many forms, but it generally refers to any items an employee has been provided with for work purposes. This could include:


  • Hardware: Computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones, monitors, printers, scanners, and other electronic devices.
  • Software: Proprietary software, licenses, and any other company software.
  • Office Equipment: Chairs, desks, file cabinets, bookcases, and other office equipment.
  • Other: Keys, security cards, and any other equipment that has been issued to the employee for use during their employment.

The first step in returning company property after termination is to identify all the company property provided to the employee.

Option 1: Employee Returns Company Property

The most straightforward option for returning company property after termination is to have the employee return the property to the company. This option is most suitable when the employee is local and can easily return the property to the company’s physical location. This option, however, may not be practical when the employee is remote.

In this case, the company should communicate clearly with the employee about how and when the company property should be returned. The company may also provide the employee with a prepaid shipping label to return the property or schedule a courier to collect the items.

It is important to provide clear instructions and deadlines to the employee to ensure clarity and understanding.

Option 2: Company Collects Company Property

When the employee is remote, the company may collect the company property. This option is most appropriate when the company property is of significant value, and the company wants to ensure it is returned safely.

Both parties should confirm an agreement about when and how the company property will be collected. The company may also need to arrange a courier to collect the items from the employee’s location.

To avoid property damage or loss, it is important to make certain that the company property is collected promptly and securely.

Option 3: Employee Buys Company Property

In some cases, the company may offer the option for the employee to purchase the company property they have been using. This option is fitting when the company property is not of significant value, and the employee has expressed an interest in purchasing the property.

The company and employee must understand and agree upon the process and any costs associated with purchasing the company property. The company may also need to determine the property’s fair market value before offering it for sale.

The employee must confirm they understand that the purchase of the company property is voluntary and that they are not obligated to purchase it.

Option 4: Employee Pays for Company Property Replacement

When the employee is unable or unwilling to return the company property, the company may require the employee to pay for the replacement of the property. This option is applicable when the company property is of significant value, and the company cannot afford to absorb the replacement cost.

The company should communicate clearly with the employee about the process and any costs associated with replacing the company property. Additionally, the company may need to determine the property’s fair market value before requiring the employee to pay for the replacement.

It is essential to make sure the employee understands that they are responsible for replacing the company property and that failure to do so may result in legal action.

Option 5: Employee Pays for Company Property Repair

In some cases, the company property may be damaged or require repair when returned by the employee. In this scenario, the company may offer the option for the employee to pay for the repair or replacement of the damaged company property.

The company should communicate clearly with the employee about the process and any costs associated with repairing or replacing the company property. What’s more, the company may need to determine the property’s fair market value before requiring the employee to pay for the repair or replacement.

The employee must understand their responsibility to return the company property in good condition and that failure to do so may result in legal action.

Option 6: Legal Action

In cases where the employee fails to return the company property, the company may need to pursue legal action to recover the property. This option is most suitable when the company property is of significant value, and the employee has refused to return it or has not responded to the company’s requests for its return.

The company should consult with legal counsel before pursuing legal action. It is important to follow the proper legal procedures and ensure that the company property is recovered promptly and securely.

Also, consider the potential impact on the company’s relationship with the former employee and any legal costs associated with pursuing legal action.

Future-Proofing Company Property

Returning company property after employee termination requires clear communication, a well-defined process, and careful consideration of the options available. The company should consider the value and condition of the company property, the location of the employee, and the potential impact on the company’s relationship with the former employee when choosing an option.

Regardless of the option chosen, ensure that the employee understands their responsibilities and that the company property is returned promptly and securely. By following a transparent process and communicating effectively with the former employee, the company can recover their property and avoid potential legal issues.

For more information on transportation and delivery of company property, connect with the experts at Milano Courier Services and see why businesses across the U.S. trust us for their shipping needs.